Tuesday 4 August 2015

The place that I call home

This year is going to be a third years for me. That I feel so homesick. My heart is waiting for the day, that I will see with my family again. I have no choice but to wait for the blessing day. 
I have 2 brothers, my father, my mother and I. 
I used to be a funniest person in the house when I was there with them. What ever I did I loved to make it with fun, happy and to entertain to all the members in my family. 
I thought I might got this kind of attitude from my father. He used to tell us about how funny and chicky he was, when he was young. 
About My mother, she is lovely and very kind person. She is also like a super women for me.
I also have grand father from my father side and grand mother from my mother side. They both are still alive. Even through they are very old but they both are very healthy. 
When I was little I ask my mother about the story of her dad. As he passed away long time before I was born. So, my mother told me about him. She said my grand father was a police. He is working in the jail. My mom described more about how strong heart of her dad. As he used to see people got killed as it was their punishmented.
However, my mother used to say to me that my grand father is also very kind. and manner person too.
So true to say, that life is so short. Some how look for the important thing in your heart and be with in. 
Therefore, you will always not regret and always be happy in the heart.